Aftercare Dermal Fillers

It’s normal to experience some side effects after a dermal filler treatment. Lets delve into the aftercare procedure of Dermal Filler.

All about lip dermal fillers

lip ratio

Getting the lips you want One of my favourite places to inject is the lips.  You only need a small amount of volume in the lips to get them looking great.  There are a variety of fillers that I stock, some last longer than others, some give more volume than others, so depending on the […]

Anti-wrinkle injections vs dermal fillers, what do I need?

Where do you use dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections for wrinkle reduction?

One of the frequent questions that my patients ask me are whether they need anti-wrinkle injections or dermal fillers.  It can be confusing, especially for people who are new to the industry, and actually a combination of the two can give a really lovely effect. So here’s the low down. Anti-wrinkle injections… Most people when […]

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers instantly make your skin look voluminous and hydrated. It replaces areas of volume loss that occurs as we age, smoothing lines and making your face look more youthful. Dermal fillers consist of a natural substance found in the skin. Once injected it works instantly and over time subtly draws fluid into it giving […]