The anti-ageing injection timeline

Botox injection timeline for anti-aging.

I would love to be a fly on the wall of people’s mirrors in the first few days after they get injections. Immediately afterwards you are looking in the mirror, swearing at those pesky wrinkles that they are about to be toast. You keep doing pulling silly faces, angry frown, the startled forehead raise, a […]

Where can you use anti wrinkle injections?

Where can you use anti-wrinkle injections? These injections are commonly used for reducing the appearance of wrinkles on the face. They are most effective in areas such as the forehead, crow's feet around

The 3 main areas for anti-wrinkle injections There are 3 areas on the face which are the most frequent places to be injected with anti-wrinkle injections: the frown, the forehead and the eyes. In fact, because these are the most common areas, many clinics charge simply by areas; one, two or three. More facial areas […]

wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections work to temporarily stop muscles contracting as strongly. As a result the skin over the top appears smooth, fresh and natural. Over time new wrinkles are prevented from forming. The procedure is performed by a series of small injections into the treatment areas. Discomfort is minimal and it is tolerated very well. You […]