About anti-wrinkle injections

Hello!  Let me tell all about anti-wrinkle injections and you can decide if they are right for you.  Anti-wrinkle injections are the most popular treatment at our clinic and indeed, in most cosmetic injectables clinics across the globe. They are often where most people start their anti-ageing journey in terms of getting cosmetic injectables.  Anti-wrinkle injections use the toxin ‘botulinum toxin type A’  which is injected in small doses just under the skin.  The toxin temporarily stops the nerves from sending signals to the muscles and as a result, the muscles contract less meaning there are less visible lines over the skin. Over time, the skin softens over these areas and appears smoother.  With skilled injecting, the right muscles are targeted to get smoothness where you want it with a very natural looking effect.  

And another great effect is that the treatment is also preventative.  Because muscle contraction is reduced and the skin stays smooth, this means that new wrinkles are prevented from ever forming.  On the face, the most common areas for this treatment to be administered is the forehead, the frown lines (between the eyebrows), and crow’s feet (lines around the eyes).

Where does botulinum toxin type A come from?

Botulinum toxin type A, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.  It was first discovered in the 1820s by a German physician who was investigating a series of mysterious food poisoning cases, caused by consuming contaminated sausages. Nearly a century later, a group of scientists isolated the toxin and began studying botulism.   Before it  was studied for medical uses. In 1980 an ophthalmologist who was using the toxin to treat eye muscle disorders also noted that the skin around the injection areas looked a lot smoother.  And thus the use botulinum toxin as a cosmetic treatment was born.  It was in 2002 that it was first approved in the USA as a cosmetic treatment.  
In the field of medicine, botulinim toxin is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, such as muscle spasms, cervical dystonia, chronic migraines and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). In the realm of cosmetic procedures, it is popularly used for its ability to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines. Although it is very toxic, it is used in tiny doses in the cosmetic field so it does not pose a serious threat to the person. 

How does botulinum toxin type A work?

If you’re a closet geek like me and you enjoy science, read on.  Botulinum toxin type A works by temporarily blocking the nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. The neurotoxic protein binds to the nerve endings in the muscles where it is injected.  

Thes nerve cells release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine, which attaches to receptors on muscle cells and triggers muscle contractions. Botulinum toxin interferes with this process by preventing the release of acetylcholine from the nerve cells.  By blocking the release of acetylcholine, it essentially interrupts the communication between the nerves and the muscles. This results in temporary muscle paralysis or relaxation, depending on the intended effect. When the targeted muscles are unable to contract, they remain in a more relaxed state, leading to a reduction in wrinkles or the alleviation of certain muscle-related conditions.

After receiving Botulinum toxin injections, the effects gradually will gradually wear off, usually over a 3-4 month period, as the botulinum toxin is metabolised and the nerve endings regenerate with release of acetylcholine resumed. This process allows muscle movement to gradually return.  As the muscle activity resumes, the wrinkles or lines associated with the muscle contractions also reappear.

Where are Botulinum toxin type A used for anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly used on the face to soften the muscles in some of these key areas:

Forehead anti-wrinkle injections
Lip lines Anti-wrinkle injections

Chin Anti-wrinkle injections

Anti-wrinkle injections can also be used for other applications aside from smoothing away wrinkles:

  1. Facial Slimming: It can be injected into the masseter muscles, which are responsible for jaw clenching and teeth grinding. When injected here, it causes temporary muscle relaxation, leading to a reduction in their size and volume. This can result in a more contoured, V-shaped face and a slimmer appearance of the lower face.
  2. Lat, Arm, and Leg Slimming: When anti-wrinkle injections are placed in specific areas on the body, the relaxation in the target muscles helps create a slimming effect.
  3. Back Pain: These injections can be used for the management of acute and chronic back pain, particularly when it is associated with muscle spasms. When injected into the affected muscles, it helps them to relax and reduce muscle contractions, providing relief from pain and discomfort.
  4. Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating): These injections can effectively reduce excessive sweating in areas such as the underarms, hairline, hands, and feet, where excessive sweating occurs.
  5. Migraine Treatments: Botulinim Toxin is approved for the prevention of chronic migraines in adults. When injected into specific sites around the head and neck, it helps relax muscle tension and block pain signals, which can result in a decrease in the frequency and severity of migraines.
  6. Hay fever: The toxin works by blocks the nasal nerve signals which would triggers the onset of hay fever symptoms.

The consultation:

What happens in your first consultation for anti-wrinkle injections?

During your first consultation, we will discuss your goals, assess your suitability for anti-wrinkle injections and we will develop a personalised treatment plan. Here’s what you can expect during your consultation:

The first consultation is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions or express any concerns you may have about anti-wrinkle injections. It’s important to have open and honest communication o ensure that you have a clear understanding of the treatment process and realistic expectations for the outcomes.

What are the side effects?

Botulinum Toxin treatment is generally considered safe, has been used for cosmetic and medical purposes for many years and has undergone extensive testing and research. There have been no serious side effects when used for cosmetic purposes. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with it, though they are generally minimal and temporary. Some possible risks and side effects include:

What do I need to do to prepare my skin for treatment?

Before receiving your anti-wrinkle injection treatment, there are a few things you can do to help prepare your skin for the procedure:

1. Avoid consuming alcohol or blood-thinning medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen for at least 24 hours before the procedure to minimise the risk of bruising.
2. Avoid using topical products containing retinoids, glycolic acid, or exfoliants for at least 24 hours before the procedure, as these products can increase skin sensitivity and the risk of irritation.
3. Cleanse your skin thoroughly before the procedure to ensure that the area to be treated is free of makeup, lotions, or other products.

The treatment:

What happens?

Preparation Anti-wrinkle injections

After we have had a chat, the consent for has been signed and the photo’s have been taken, it’s then time for the procedure.

  1. Preparation: Firstly your skin will be cleansed using a mild antibacterial cleanser. I’ll then mark the specific injection points on your skin to guide me. We may apply a topical anesthetic or use a cold compress to numb the area, although this step is not always necessary.
  2. Injection: Using a fine needle, I’ll carefully inject small amounts of the toxin into the targeted muscles. The number of injections and the amount of units used will depend on your specific concerns, the muscle being injected and your treatment goals. The injections are typically quick and relatively painless, with most people describing a mild pinching or scratch sensation.
  3. After the procedure, it is common to experience some temporary redness, swelling, or mild bruising at the injection sites. These typically subside within a few hours to a few days.

Overall, most individuals find these injections to be a relatively tolerable and quick procedure, with any discomfort being minimal and transient.

What is the difference between the brands and what do you use?

In a nutshell, I stock all the 4 brands available in Australia and will happily use any of them, as per your preference and price request.

There are several different brands of botulinum toxin injections available globally, 4 of which are available in Australia. (And for legal reasons I can unfortunately not discuss the names of the brands).

Here are a few of the different brands of botulinum toxin injections:

While these different brands of botulinum toxin injections have similarities, it’s important to note that their dosing units are not interchangeable and each brand has slight differences in onset of action, duration of effects, and patient satisfaction rates. However, the overall principle and mechanism of action of botulinum toxin injections remain similar across brands.

How many units do I use?

The number of units vary depending on several factors, including the treatment area, individual anatomy, muscle strength, and desired results. To give you a general idea, here are some approximate ranges of Botox units commonly used for specific treatment areas:

AreaTotal Number of Units
Glabellar (frown)19-30
Crow’s feet (eyes)12-20
Brow Lift4-8
Bunny nose4-6
Gummy smile10-20
Lip flip4-8
Underarm Sweating100 (50 per side)
Back pain5-100
Arm Slimming30-120
Leg slimming100-200
Hay fever20-40

Can I have anti-wrinkle injections at the same time as other treatments?  

Absolutely.  It often happens that people like to combine treatments. It all depends on the effect you are hoping to achieve. Sometimes people like to have a lot of treatment all at once. More commonly, my patients like to focus on one area at a time when they come for treatments and will return every 2-3 months for additional therapies.

Combining therapies, such as adding in dermal fillers, bio-remodelling injections, threads, laser and so forth, often results in a better rejuvenated result when combined with anti-wrinkle injections.

One factor to consider when combining treatments is the recovery and downtime. Some treatments may require a period of healing or avoidance of certain activities, which can affect the timing and scheduling of other treatments.

After the treatment:

After the treatment

For a comprehensive after-care plan, please click here

Anti-wrinkle injections aftercare information

Aftercare advise for Anti-wrinkle injections treatment?

After receiving your treatment, there are a few considerations for follow-up care:

Get in touch if you have any concerns or questions: Never sit at home worrying in silence. If something is worrying you or if you are not happy in any way, get in touch.

How long before I see the effects?

The onset and duration can vary from person to person. Generally, it takes a few days to start noticing the effects of Botox injections, and the full results become visible within 7 to 14 days. Depending on the area treated and how much solution is used, results will last for 3-6 months.

What are the side effects of the treatment?

Whilst anti-wrinkle injections are generally considered safe, there are potential side effects that can occur. These side effects can vary in severity and may include:

It’s important to note that the side effects are usually temporary and resolve on their own and they are more commonly associated with inexperienced injectors.

Will I still be able to move my face?

Yes, after anti-wrinkle injections, you will still be able to move your face and make facial expressions. The movement in the injected areas will be temporarily reduced, which is what we want! The dreaded “freezing” effect happens when too much toxin is injected or it is placed in the wrong areas.

Is this treatment for you?

If you are unsure if this treatment is right for you, either in terms of whether or not it’s the right treatment for your or in terms of your medical history, then please get in touch.  Alternatively, please book in for a free consultation and we can discuss if this is the right treatment for you.

Is there any downtime?

One of the advantages of this treatment is that there is typically little to no downtime required. Most individuals are able to resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

What is the difference when men vs ladies are treated?

When it comes to treating men and women with Botox, the fundamental principles and techniques are generally similar. However, there are a few differences to consider due to variations in facial anatomy and desired aesthetic outcomes. Men often require more units than ladies and as a rule of thumb they need around 25% more. Factors that play a part include:

What is the Treatment follow-up

How long does the treatment last?

The duration of treatment will vary from person to person and depends on several factors, including the individual’s metabolism, the area treated, and the dosage administered. On average, the effects of the injections typically last between three to four months.

How often will I need treatments?

The frequency of Botox treatments can vary depending on several factors, including individual metabolism, the area treated, desired results, and personal preferences. On average, Botox treatments are typically repeated every 3-4 months.

As the effects gradually wear off over time the lines reappear, you will know that it is time to book in again. The decision of when to schedule follow-up treatments is generally based on individual factors and personal goals.

Remember that anti-wrinkle injections treatments are temporary, and maintaining the desired results typically requires ongoing treatments at regular intervals. Also, as you age your needs will change too.

How many treatments will I need?

Hopefully you will only need one treatment and this will last you for at least 3 months.  If you have strong muscles, low doses or if it is your first time getting treated you might find that the treatments don’t quite last 3 months.  But with regular injections your treatments should last you at least 3 months, sometimes 4 or 5 months.  It is not unusual for the treatment dose to even be slightly reduced with regular treatments. 

What are the Complementary treatments to go with this treatment.

Anti-wrinkle injections are great for targeting wrinkles and lines created by the dynamic movement of muscles.  But there are other signs of ageing that need different treatments to tackle them, such as volume loss, collagen depletion, sagging skin, dry and rough skin and uneven skin tone.  To get the best, long-lasting anti-ageing results it is recommended to combine different types of anti-ageing therapies.  This is best done gradually over time after consultation about what is best suited to you.   

Here are some treatments that may complement your therapy.

Further information and FAQs:

What is the difference between anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers?

This is a question I commonly get asked and although the 2 treatments are are both popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments used to address signs of aging and enhance facial appearance and are often used simultaneously, they are very different. Anti-wrinkle injections work by temporarily blocking nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. By reducing muscle activity, they can smooth out dynamic wrinkles caused by repetitive facial movements. They typically last for 3-4 months. Dermal Fillers are injectable substances that add volume and plumpness to specific areas of the face. They can fill in lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas, as well as enhance facial contours.

Who is unsuitable for this treatment?

Whilst anti-wrinkle injections are generally safe and well-tolerated, there are certain situations in which individuals may be unsuitable for the procedure. These include:


For comprehensive, up to date pricing information and any special offers, please visit the pricing page.

What if I am not sure about the treatment?

Book in for a free consult.

Before and After photos

Before and After photos

For more information on specific treatment areas, please see below.

The legalities
If you are wondering why I keep using the term ‘anti-wrinkle injections’ and not the brand names beginning with “B” or “D” etc that you may be more familiar with, that is because in Australia it a legal requirement that injectors don’t mention the brand name of these injectables. 

Attribution of photos.